I'm changing my mind on the color of the kitchen.
I was planning on painting it Red this weekend (long weekend off of school). The same dark red I used as one of the colors in the bathroom.
But now I'm chickening out. I think it might look garrish rather than dramatic. Or maybe it is because I'm in a stressful period of time and don't want any more drama in my life right now.
The green the rest of the house is painted is rather soothing.
I need soothing right now.
I also could go for some classy --- toned down green would be classy looking, rather than dramatic red.
Green would be safe. It'll blend in, it'll give the room the finished look it badly needs.
But is this a mediphore for my life right now? Playing it safe, afraid to be bold and daring?
Actually I don't want to paint it at all because I'm afraid of making a decision, a commitment! But that is a bigger problem in my life.
Ahhhhh - Indecision, safe decision, bold statement at the risk of being outrageous?
Part of me says - what the heck - give it a try, it's only paint - you can redo it if you don't like it. Another part of me is saying - are you kidding, I don't want to do it the first time, let alone RE do it. Measure twice cut Once!! (choose carefully, paint once????)
So who am I?
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